How to vote (twice!) on Saturday in #vicvotes

Are you an elector in Victoria? Here’s our suggestion to help you send TWO messages with your ballot papers on Saturday.

Both major parties are campaigning on coping with population growth. They are aware of the pressures caused by our high rate of population increase. Our police force and our ambulance service are making it clear that their present funding levels are inadequate for the current rapid population increase in Victoria.

The state politicians are aware that this population growth derives mostly from immigration. But neither they nor their federal counterparts in Canberra will fix the root cause of the problem: sustained high immigration.

We don’t mind how you vote in the state election on 29 September. Follow any how-to-vote card that takes your fancy. And then use your ballot papers to express an additional message about the direction we want Australia to go in the future: write REDUCE IMMIGRATION in the clear space at the top of each ballot paper.

Don’t forget to let your family, friends and followers know about this opportunity.

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